Monday, December 30, 2013

6 Years Ago Today: From Donna

From Donna Wyborny: Such a busy time of the year at my house. Cooking, decorating, family. I find myself keeping myself busier then usual these days to distract myself from the fact that two of the people who made my life complete are not here to share those times with me anymore. Some days are harder then others but the entire month of December, 6 years ago I spent Emily Smiths final time here on earth with she and her family at Arnold Palmer. The 10 years that I spent with her growing up with my girls, battling leukemia like a bear and learning what a gift of a human being a child with Down Syndrome could be taught me more life lessons then any book I could have ever read. She was as much of daughter to me as my very own and her absence leaves an ache in my heart because these days I could really use her simple humor to cheer me up. I have her beads draped about my home, they make me smile, but how I miss the sound of that monotonous spinning for hours on end. I miss her sleep-overs, swimming with her (for a whole two minutes) playing hide and seek constantly she loved that game. I miss trying to scrub the ravioli stains around her mouth that were always there. She would never let me, really miss that. And how she loved animals, and birthday party celebrations she never missed one. I miss trying to teach her to say Mitch's name we won't say what transpired there. God was so gracious during her illness to bless us with more time to make these memories I now have of her. But today was the day 6 years ago Jesus decided He was finished preparing her room. I will be forever grateful to both of you my precious dear friends Sam and Sonja for allowing Mitch and I to spend those last 38 hours with you and share that tender moment when The Lord showed her, her room. Complete with a huge treasure chest of beads I'm sure. We love you, so much. Miss her everyday, but revisit so many things this time of year. Our hearts are with you today and always. Much Love in Christ, Mitch and Donna

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Her 5th Christmas with Jesus: "Glorious Impossible"

I often mention how Emily's 13-year life taught our family so much, but the Lord is not finished teaching us yet.  This Christmas (her 5th one with Jesus), He taught me this particular lesson:

In 2007 -- Emily's last Christmas with us -- "Glorious Impossible" was a song in our church's Christmas program.  The lyrics speak of how Jesus touched lepers and blessed children.  It says, "Lift your souls now and receive the Glorious Impossible."  Six years ago, I took these words to mean that God would do the impossible for Emily and heal her leukemia, even if through a bone marrow transplant.  When on December 30, 2007, He instead chose to take her home, I was somewhat bitter at God, especially when I began seeing other people get their “Glorious Impossible” miracles.  In the past few years, though, God has taught me that many of Jesus’ miracles were somewhat temporary.  When He raised Jairus' daughter from the dead, at some point, she later died—so did Lazarus and everyone else He healed.  The miracles Jesus did in people’s hearts, however, were forever.

This year, we sang "Glorious Impossible" again, but its meaning this time struck me so differently than it did 6 years ago.

The real “Glorious Impossible” is Jesus Himself.  It is the spiritual wholeness He brings to us—first of all through salvation and then in so many other ways.  Those are the forever miracles.  I cling to those now so much more than the stories of Jesus turning water into wine and feeding 5,000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish.  Those were amazing miracles, but eventually they ran out of wine again and within hours those 5,000 folks were again hungry.  Jesus said to the woman at the well,
Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life. (John 4:13-14)
Although I still rejoice in the song's line that says He "touched the leper, blessed the children,"  I cherish the following lyric that gives us our ultimate hope:

He was bruised for our transgressions, and He bears eternal scars;
He was raised for our salvation, and His righteousness is ours;
Praise, oh praise Him, praise the glory of this lavish grace so full.
Lift your souls now and receive the GLORIOUS IMPOSSIBLE!

Embrace His love this Christmas and throughout the New Year!  

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Emily's Tree at Forest Middle School

It's been over 5 years since the Forest Middle School students planted this tree in Emily's memory.  It has grown so much since then!  It nearly reaches the top of the cafeteria roof.  If you look closely, you can see the "Our Little Miss Sunshine" plaque at the base of the tree, and you can see Sonja's reflection to the right under the leaves. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Booty Shake

Amber made this Facebook post on Emily's 19th birthday.  The booty shake was her signature dance move.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Today: Her 19th Birthday

This is a post that a  Florida friend made today in memory of Emily.  It's been over 5 years since she entered the arms of Jesus, and today would have been her 19th birthday.  I especially like this because it reminds me of Sonja's prayer when Emily was very little and we were realizing just how limited her language ability was going to be.  Sonja prayed that someday we would be able to hear the words "I love you" from Emily's lips.  Not only did she quite often declare "I luh you merry, merry, mush,"  she also flashed the sign-language message to us regularly.