Saturday, November 24, 2007

Sonja's Thoughts

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.

This really has been a tough couple of days. Sam and I have been pretty much in agreement that we would probably not pursue treatment since it didn't look like the transplant was a viable option and Emily had already had two relapses after going through years of chemotherapy treatments. But yesterday Dr. Don spoke to a friend who does transplants. She said that actually they have done some recent studies with Down syndrome and transplants and have done some adjusting with the preliminary chemo. They are finding results much the same as the general population. Which before they were saying the Down syndrome kids were not doing very well with the process, so they weren't recommending it.

So we are reconsidering.

If Emily could completely understand and verbalize, she might want the chance. I'm thinking other kids would.

They also did tests on her heart yesterday, and she is doing well in that department. We still would do a full consultation with a transplant doc. Sometimes they won't take a kid if they are too high a risk. They are going to give her some chemo today to see if the cells will even respond.

Please pray for wisdom and peace. We want to do what is best for Emily. ~ Sonja

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